
Product Availability

Information about product availability on the website-a specific size, even if showing as available- may not be updated. If this is the case a notice will appear informing you that the desired quantity of the product cannot be added to your basket (this means that the item is unfortunately out of stock).

It's most likely that the product you were after was very popular. Adding a product to your basket does not mean that it is reserved. Sometimes other customers can buy out the product faster. If a product is unavailable online it means that there is none of it left in our warehouse. Unfortunately our Customer Service does not have information about when an item will be back in stock again.

If an item is out of stock on our website we recommend to do the following:

  1. Use the 'Notify when available' option. You will be notified by e-mail when an item will be back in stock. Important! Please remember that everyone who signed up to be notified receives an e-mail informing them about an item being back in stock, this means that sometimes items can be sold out once again before you are able to finalise a purchase.
  2. Check availability in store. Please choose the desired size and the website will show you whether it's available in our local London store.
Privacy Policy Update!

We are constantly looking for new solutions to better respond to your expectations when using our Service. We respect your privacy and care about the protection of your information, so in connection with updating the operation of the Service, we ask you to read the new version of the Privacy Policy, where we present the principles of handling personal data, the scope of their processing and the rights and obligations you have in this connection.